Belgian Society of Parasitology & Protistology Annual scientific meeting - Tuesday 30th November 2021

Important Notes

Make sure you have a covid-safe ticket, which will be scanned at the entrance and needed for access to the conference. In case you suffer covid-related symptoms in the days prior to the meeting, please refrain from attending the meeting.


Mouth masks are obligatory during the scientific sessions and physical distance should be kept during the coffee breaks and lunch.

Meeting Program

Meeting venue

The BSPP2021 meeting will be held at the University of Antwerp, city campus: “klooster van de Grauwzusters” (Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen), at walking distance from Antwerp Central station.

Adobe Acrobat Document 168.9 KB


Abstract submission is now closed.



Registration is now closed.


Any registered and active PhD student of our society can apply for the travel grant provided that he had an abstract accepted by the conference for which he applies. The aim of this € 500 grant is to support young members to present their work at international conferences. The grant is sponsored by Zoetis and the competitive selection is done by the BSPP board members.


Deadline for application 19 September 2021


Zoetis grant 2021.docx
Microsoft Word Document 161.4 KB