The BSPP organises one scientific meeting a year, with the specific aim to provide a platform to young scientists to present their research and to network. The meeting is sometimes a joint initiative with other European societies (e.g. Dutch Society for Parasitology). These scientific meetings encompass all fields of parasitology and protistology: from entomology over helminthology to protistology and from molecular biology over epidemiology to parasite and protist ecology.

Guidelines for abstracts

Abstract format

Font:               Default

Font size:         11

Line spacing:    Default

Alignment:       Left and right justification


Abstract should contain following information: 

Title: Capitals, bold and centered. Single paragraph (no returns). Maximum 200 characters including spaces.


List of authors: Name, initials and superscript for affiliation

Affiliation: font size 9. Maximum 400 characters including spaces. All affiliations in the same paragraph (no returns). Include email of corresponding author (email of coauthors is optional).


Abstract of maximum 300 words. No subtitles and no empty lines between paragraphs (no double returns).


Abstracts must be submitted as a Word or Rich Text Format file to: 

Abstract guidelines, example and template
Abstract guidelines 2015.doc
Microsoft Word Document 26.0 KB